Welcome to the Daily Cast

The daily cast is a three coin cast. Every day (well, almost every day) I randomly pick one oracle coin from the pouch. Than I take the two structural coins (Axis Mundi, the green one and the Sirius coin, the red one) and cast the coins. My interpretation of the result is presented here. 

Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1306: Don't Worry About Tomorrow

We tend to worry about things that are yet to come, completely forgetting about all the things we already have going on in life. Let's not spend our energy worrying over events that might never happen and in stead enjoy all the goodness we have to our disposal right now. Who knows what tomorrow brings? It might be wonderful!

Don't just read the future; help create it. 

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1305: Health Challenges

Sometimes we do not know what to think about our health. Everybody and his uncle are having opinions on what we need to do and whom we need to consult. The medication that we are on is giving us severe side-effects and we might not even convinced that we should take that medication to begin with. The whole narrative around health-issues is extremely complicated and cause-and-effect are not always as clear as they are presented to us. We can feel disempowered by the same doctors that try their best to heal us. So, if medically possible; take a step back. Do not decide on major surgeries or invasive therapies just yet. We need to get a grip on all the information that has been thrown our way in order to make the right health decisions. Let us try to create some calmness in all this chaos. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1304: Explore, Enjoy and be Surprised!

So many people, so many convictions, so much wisdom. The always curious fairy beckons us to come with her; to leave our conventional ideas behind and enter the wonderful world of inspiration. There is so much to discover, why limit ourselves to what we already know? Let's go out and find something new to wonder about!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1303: Flourish!

The old Celtic word for the oak; 'duir' is etymological related to the English 'door' and the Dutch 'deur'. This particular cast; the oak flanked by Zenith and the Ally, signifies growth through initiation. By opening the door to new ways of thinking we enrich our lives. Today is a good day take the first steps on a new path. when we change how we think about our life our life will change with us. Flourish and prosper; the power of the oak will protect us. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1302: Listen To Your Gut

Sometimes we know things cognitively and sometimes we know things intuitively. It pays off to heed our 'gut-feeling' today; it gives us a deeper insight in the issue at hand than mere cognition can do. The magic of course is in the combination of the two: listen to your gut, decide with your brain. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1301: Don't Forget What You Already Have

Preparing ourselves for the future by making plans and setting aside some money to fulfill them is in itself a virtuous thing. To a certain extent it ensures our safety and stability. However, whenever the opponent - also known as the challenger - is on the table, we know that the Oracle is warning us not to take things into the extreme. In this case we are alerted to the fact that we run the risk of forgetting our present by looking too hard at the future. Life is that which is happening today while we are preparing for tomorrow, so don't miss it! So with a twist to my normal greeting;

Don't just create a future; enjoy the present!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1300: Time to Shine!

We know what needs to be done so let's just take the lead in this project. It doesn't have to be big and world-changing; organizing the local BBQ or collecting a contributions for a friend's birthday present are good examples of smaller projects we can take on. But if we want to tackle a bigger task than today is a good day to put ourselves in the spotlight for it; our leadership qualities are without challenge so it is time to shine!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1299: Come Together

Sometimes we stay to far away to really know what is going on. We do that with people as well as with events. In both cases it prevents us from getting to involved to get hurt, but it also takes away our opportunity to be touched and to become really engaged. So let's be brave today; let us come down our mountain to go out and actually meet each other. Let's come together and find ways to overcome our differences. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1298: We Need to Exercise

The oak, symbol of strength and longevity, is flanked by Nadir and the Opponent. We might feel a bit fragile, lacking our normal resilience. Is it possible we have neglected our normal routine and haven't been to the gym as regularly as we should have? Let us take measures to regain our strength and aid our body i become is strong and healthy as it possibly can. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1297: Cut Away what is Harmful

We know all we need in order to make a well-informed decision. Today is the day we make up our minds. The reason that I have used the sword to symbolize the decision-making process is for this reason: in order to decide well, we need to cut away all we do no not want anymore and all that is harmful. Doing that will reveal the things we truly need in our live and making a decision suddenly becomes easy. 

Don't just read the future: help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1296: Take Charge!

It seems so easy to have someone that takes away the stress of the responsibility we have for our own lives. That is why hierarchies are effective and we are willing to be ruled by forces we don't like. But if we are honest to ourselves, we know that at the end of the day, deciding on the course of our lives is really up to us. Today we are confronted with ideas and convictions ruling our world that are not our own and that we do not want to accept. It is important that we define the principles by which we do want to be ruled and find ways to incorporate those in our lives. Only than we have agency in our existence. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1295: Breaking the Chains

As a post-menopausal woman, the Wise Woman is no longer bound by the cyclic demands of her body. She enjoys her freedom and independence, sets her own rules and makes her own destiny.  Like her we can develop our own point of view once we break free from old patterns or old alliances. This particular set of coins does often appear in a cast when the querant  has recently divorced and is in the process of finding his/her own values in life. By it's positive connotations this cast strengthens the resolve of the parties involved to each follow their own path. That is the beauty of truly setting each-other free; everybody wins.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1294: There Is No Shame In Accepting Help

Somebody is always trying to help others but when it comes to them needing a little help themselves, they find it really difficult to ask for it. And if they do ask somebody to help them, they  have a tendency to either still do most of the work themselves or they try to micromanage those who come to their aid. That is the challenge of the Lady who finds it difficult to let go of her control over the situation. So, a moment of honesty; is this us? Or is it somebody we actually try to help but isn't really letting us? In either case we need patience and gentleness towards this person. There is no shame in accepting help, and allowing somebody to help out can be an empowering experience for both parties!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1293: Education Is The Key

The Crystal Skull has a clear message for us today: if we want to know more about anything, we need to get educated. Not by Tik-Tok, not by you-tube, not even by our friends or family, but simply by going to school en get ourselves a formal education. So, how about finally enrolling in that course we wanted to do, or going to that series of lectures we had our eye on? There is so much real knowledge in the world that we can access, it is amazing! So let us enjoy some.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1292:: What Does Our Intuition Tell Us?

Like the moon lighting up the dark night for us, our intuition can shed light on the murkiest of problems. Most of us are a little bit cautious to use this skill but today our intuition is in good shape. So let us see where it leads us for with this skill it is like most others; use it or lose it!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1291: Stay Away from the Crowd

Crowds just do not do it for us today. We get irritated and gnarly being around too many people, even if they're friends and family members we usually count among our loved ones. It's not them; it's us. We saw the signs about a week ago, when we were already wondering if we were at the place we want to be in a cast very similar to this one. Than the unease was almost of a philosophical nature; we were thinking about our place in the groups we run with and contemplating our role therein. Today is more practical: we just can't stand too many social interactions. I say we need to take care of our inner peace by making time to spend with just ourselves. Let's stay away from the crowd, let's not fill our weekends with social obligations but let us spend some time in nature in stead. Just to go for a walk or to sit on a bench in a quiet corner of our local park can make a world of difference. Watch the birds and the insects. Do not talk for a while. Relax.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1290: Take Responsibility For What You Started

It is so tempting to start a new project to pour all our enthusiasm and energy into...but is this the right time? If we are honest with ourselves, did we properly finish the last project we started? Do we really have the time to throw ourselves into in new endeavor? When we start something we need to see it through as well, otherwise we leave a trail of orphaned projects behind where ever we go and that benefits nobody. So let's take responsibility for the things we have committed ourselves to before taking on any new projects.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1289: Not Happy Where We Are?

It seems that we are not entirely happy with the place we have in our social group. Maybe we are not entirely happy with our colleagues, or maybe er struggle with family or friends, but something is awry. It takes some soul-searching to find out what is exactly that leaves us with the feeling that we do not entirely fit in. Do not jump to conclusions though; let's take the time to thing about possible solutions to how we feel. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1288: Raise Them To Independence

We have spend time, money and effort to bring an idea or a project into the world. Like a good mother that teaches her children to become self-reliant and to stand on their own two feet before she sets them out in the world, so can we let go of our project, knowing it will do well. Let us allow it to take it's own place in the world, and take a step back. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1287: What About Family?

We cast the Honeybee together with Zenith and the Ally: a sure sign that the family and friend groups we belong to are on our mind. Negotiating the needs and wants of all our different social groups can be a bit of a challenge but with an open hart and a little effort we can accomplish a lot. Let's keep our friends close and our family closer -to paraphrase an old saying- and we will have a great time. And remember: to keep people close we do not actually have to be physically close to them, nowadays telephones and video-calls are a good substitute when one lives far apart. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1286: Follow Me!

We know what needs to be done so it is only natural that we take the lead today. With our confidence and knowledge we command respect without acting authoritative or bossy. We show the way and others follow joyfully so that at the end of the day the job is done and we are all content. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1285: Change Your Perspective

In every situation there are two distinct positions we can occupy: either we look at it up close, maybe even from the inside, or we take a step back and observe the issue from a distance. The cast of today urges us to do just that: to detach ourselves from the situation we are in to gain a different perspective. So let us shift our position in order to find new input from there. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1284: Do Not Be Fooled!

Somebody doesn't seem to tell the truth. If we are sure that it is not us who are doing the deceiving (for in that case; let's stop it and turn to honesty), we need to be on our guard for deceivers. Whenever we hear a story we do not completely believe, we need to ask ourselves who stands to benefit by the narrative that is presented. It might reveal the source and motivation of the story so we can make an informed decision if we believe it or not. And, the old saying 'if it seems to good to be true it usually is' can guide us as well. Let's not be fooled!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1283: Curb Your Creativity, Just For Now.

The Fairy, who is playful, artistic and creative, likes to start a new artwork any time of the week. But not today... Today she is warning us to hold our creativity in for just a little bit longer. It is not the best day to begin a creative journey, so if we have the time, let's stay our hand for another 24 hours and see what new inspiration tomorrow brings. It is better to withhold ourselves a little than to lose ourselves completely in this stage of our project. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1282: Work With Friends

Like the Honeybee, that little creature that, by sheer numbers, is able to make buckets of golden honey out of the tiniest of plant nectar drops, so are we capable of great things if we choose to combine our efforts with those around us. So let us seek some trusted people to surround ourselves with and let's see what we can do together!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1281: So Much To Learn!

No matter how much we know about something, there are always no things to discover. Keep an open mind to all opinions, in order to keep gathering more information, and to let that input simmer for a while before coming to a conclusion. Let's enjoy the process of gathering, reading and sifting through information and let's leave the decision what to do with it to another day. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1280: It Is a Wonderful World!

So many people, so many convictions, so much wisdom. The always curious fairy beckons us to come with her; to leave our conventional ideas behind and enter the wonderful world of inspiration. There is so much to discover, why limit ourselves to what we already know? Let's go out and find something new to wonder about!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1279: Take Your Time For Changes

We want change and we want in now.  What we have got does no longer suit us. Whether we are talking about our job, our house or even our relationship, we do not see a future in it anymore. But beware, if we go to fast we might end with failure. The message of today is; we've got to learn how to make use of pauses. To take some time, to breathe and regroup before we start running again. So let's slow down a little; tomorrow just has to wait until we are properly done with today.

Don't just read the future: help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1278: Show Yourself!

Sometimes we just want to run away and hide. The world seems to be too difficult, too overwhelming and we don't want to handle the stuff that is thrown our way. That feeling is understandable but not always helpful. Sometimes we need to pull our-self together, straighten our back and just deal with whatever it is. Let us show the world what we've got!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1277: We're Above It!

The Wise Woman together with the Nadir coin and the Opponent spells trouble; somebody thinks they know everything better than we do. Judgmental, competitive and maybe even a little bit vindictive, this person is trying to make us look bad and steal our thunder. Don't let them get away with it! We are wise in our own ways and we will stand our ground. With dignity because we do not do brawls. We're above it!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1276: Finish What You Started!

It is so tempting to start a new project to pour all our enthusiasm and energy into it...but is this the right time? If we are honest with ourselves, did we properly finish the last project we started? Do we really have the time to throw ourselves into a new endeavor? When we start something we need to see it through as well, otherwise we leave a trail of orphaned projects behind where-ever we go and that benefits nobody. So let's take responsibility for the things we have committed ourselves to before taking on any new projects.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1275: Let's Take The Initiative

We know what needs to be done so let's just take the lead in this project. It doesn't have to be big and world-changing; organizing the local BBQ or collecting a contributions for a friend's birthday present are good examples of smaller projects we can take on. But if we want to tackle a bigger task than today is a good day to put ourselves in the spotlight for it; our leadership qualities are without challenge.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1274: Stay in Touch with Reality

Reclusive, hidden in our cave, we want to spend time with our own thoughts and ideas. In itself this is not a bad thing but today we are warned not to overdo it. If we spend to much time on our own we become the weird one, the person with the singular ideas that seems to loose touch with reality. In short, 'weird' in the old meaning of 'wise and spiritually inclined' is okay, but 'weird' in the modern meaning of 'strange and uncanny' is a label we might want to avoid! Like everything in life, it is all about balance. So let's leave our cave and let's stay in touch with reality. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1273: What is it Going to Be?

The time to gather as much information as we can and to roam the internet indefinitely in our search for more details is over. We know what we need to know, now it is up to us to actually do what we need to do. Let's be brave and make the decision; it is a good day for it. Remember that not choosing is also a choice, but in that scenario we allow are agency to seep away, condemning ourselves to whatever random outcome comes of it. So let's do this, the choice is ours to make.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1272: No More Help Needed

Yesterday we wanted to do a certain task but we were not entirely up to the job. The Raven Coins advised us to organize some help for ourselves. Apparently we are fast learners; today our cast states that we've got the skills and we've got the insight to do this! So no need to wait around for friends, family or co-workers to lend a hand, we might as well just go ahead and get it done. 

Don't just read the future; help create it,

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1271: Organize Some Help

A group of people can sometimes do more than just one individual can do. Remember that when you run into a task today and feel tempted to do the job on your own. That might seem the faster solution, but it really isn't and it might in fact even be dangerous to go at it alone! Take the time to gather some helpers and fix the job fast, easy and above all safe.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1270: Sleepy?

Somebody didn't sleep enough lately and that might very well be us. So let's not be overly enthusiastic this day and let us try to work a little rest into our schedule. Just a nap in the afternoon might be enough to get us through the day. Followed by an early night, and tomorrow we'll be as good as new. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1269: New Endeavors

The Elf is eager to start something new. Enthusiastically he explores possibilities, gathers information and buys the necessary equipment. This new endeavor can be anything ranging from work-related project to moving to an new house to going on a trip. Given the time of year and my own state of mind this week, I think today's Daily Cast is about going on a trip or preparing for a long journey. Half the fun lies in the preparations, so let's enjoy this time of getting ready!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1268: Time for Renewal!

The Crystal Skull is warning us today not to get stuck in antiquated ideas. Just because an idea is old doesn't mean it is right! So let us do some soul-searching here; are we holding on to convictions that have outlived their usefulness? Do we allow principles from the past to stand in the way of our future? Time to unstuck ourselves and free up our mental capacities to embrace new and useful ideas!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1267: Who/What Needs Care?

We can be confronted with neglect today. Either we feel that someone who should take care of us is not doing their job, or that we are not doing it ourselves.So this is something we want to look into. Alternatively it doesn't hurt to contact our actual mother (not necessarily our bio mom but a person that fulfills that role for us) to make sure that they are alright. Sometimes this particular combination of coins must be taken literally.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven 


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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1266: Now is the Day!

Preparing ourselves for the future by making plans and setting aside some money to fulfill them is in itself a virtuous thing. To a certain extent it ensures our safety and stability. However, whenever the opponent - also known as the challenger - is on the table, we know that the Oracle is warning us not to take things into the extreme. In this case we are alerted to the fact that we run the risk of forgetting our present by looking too hard at the future. Life is that which is happening today while we are preparing for tomorrow, so don't miss it! So with a twist to my normal greeting;

Don't just create a future; enjoy the present!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1265: End Good All Good

Most of us are familiar with the idea that it is sometimes necessary to shed old to make way for the new. Whatever it is, it has to come to an end and, if we are honest about it, that is not altogether a bad thing.  Sometimes things can drag out too long. In the ending of it there is the seed of a new beginning. So let us mourn for that what we will lose and than rejoice in that what is yet to come.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1264: Get to Higher Grounds

In every situation there are two distinct positions we can occupy: either we look at it up close, maybe even from the inside, or we take a step back and observe the issue from a distance. The cast of today urges us to do just that: to detach ourselves from the situation we are in to gain a better perspective. So let us find some high ground and find new input from up there. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1263: Rejuvenation

The Oak functions as a door, opening up into a new realm. I t is an initiation, favored by the gods. So whatever it is we are renewing in our life, we can find strength and courage in the knowledge that our deities or spirit guides are protecting us. 

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1262: Spring Inspiration

The world is a wonderful place, full of possibilities. All its opportunities are limited only by the limits of our imagination. The fairy is here to encourage us to open our eyes and our hearts to new ideas.  We owe it to the inquisitive nature of our spirit to let it roam free from time to time. That we may become filled with wonder and awe!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1261: Spring Cleaning

Not all that is old is worth keeping! That goes for ideas but -in this particular cast- even more so for habits, routines and material stuff. If we keep stacking new things on top of the things we already have, we will end up with a pile of items that are utterly useless in their overwhelming quantity. Let's review what we have got so far, and only keep what is helping us further. It is a good time for a spring cleaning, both mentally and physically. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1260: They Will Prosper

We invested our time, our money and our best efforts in our  'children', both literally and figuratively, and now it's time to let them go. Whether we are talking about actual children or whether we are referring to our projects, our creations or our artwork doesn't change the outcome; we did what we could and now it is time for us to let them go. We just have to be confident that we gave them all they needed to be able to stand on their own two feet.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1259: Gently Let it Go.

The Crone indicates the end of a period, something that is coming to a conclusion. In this case that is a good thing, so we can even read this constellation as an incentive to let things go. Whatever it is that is troubling us; we do not have to carry it around anymore. Let's just let it go gently so as to make room for a new episode in our lives. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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There is a time to start a project and take aboard new responsibilities and there is a time when we are done with them. Although it can be a bit difficult to put an end to something, especially when we have put our time an energy in it, sometimes it just is the right thing to do. So let us not cling to stuff of which we know that we should let it go. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven