Welcome to the Daily Cast

The daily cast is a three coin cast. Every day (well, almost every day) I randomly pick one oracle coin from the pouch. Than I take the two structural coins (Axis Mundi, the green one and the Sirius coin, the red one) and cast the coins. My interpretation of the result is presented here. 

Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1496: Don't Let Pride Get In Your Way

Whatever the challenges are that are facing us coming weekend; it might be a good idea to do a skill-check. Do we have the experience needed to bring this task to a successful end? It would be a shame to mess it up just because our pride is preventing us from hiring the best person for the job... It is not always us that need to take the lead! So let's assess what is needed and either hire or acquire the necessary skills. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1495: A Choice Has To Be Made!

The time to gather as much information as we can and to roam the internet indefinitely in our search for more details is over. We know what we need to know, now it is up to us to actually do what we need to do. Let's be brave and make the decision; it is a good day for it. Remember that not choosing is also a choice, but in that scenario we allow are agency to seep away, condemning ourselves to whatever random outcome comes of it. So let's do this, the choice is ours to make.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1494: Make Time To Grieve

This set of coins confronts us with loss and grief. Sometimes as something to be scared of, and sometimes as something to embrace, but always as something to acknowledge. Eventually everything ends if only by transforming into something else. This constellation can indicate an actual death and the grief it brings with it or a loss of something we hold dear. We'll just need to work through it, which is easier said than done, but simply can not be avoided. So we might as well start today and sit with our grief for a while and acknowledge its existence in our life. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1493: Finders, Keepers.

Something comes into our hands without us expecting is. We get a present or we simply find something of which we cannot track the owner. In that case it is probably meant for us to have. So let us enjoy the little gifts that life sometimes bestows on us and be thankful for what is given to us.  

Don't just read the future, help create it!

Hella Raven 

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1492: You Are One-Of-A-Kind!

Nobody is exactly like me, and nobody is exactly like you. Let that sink in; you are absolutely unique, even if you belong to a set of 'identical twins', than still you're not really identical. 
If we are not sure what our unique talents are, today is a good day to think about that. What is it that makes us uniquely us?  We don't have to develop a trait or a skill to be unique; it is already manifested, we only need to find it and learn how to treasure it. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1491: Don't Rush It

Too often we are met with immature ideas or opinions that are not carefully thought through. Sometimes we ourselves are  guilty of haphazardly dismissing initiatives without good foundation for our opinions. Today is one of those days that we run the risk of missing out on good opportunities simply because we didn't take the time to consider our options. So let us slow down a minute to appreciate what is before us and make a well-balanced decision. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1490: To New Friends!

The Honeybee speaks to us about community, about taking our place in the collective and about cooperation and good food as a result of that cooperation. This particular constellation tells us we are in a good position to enjoy our social environment and that we might even want to expand it; that we might want to make new friends or to change employer and find ourselves new colleagues. Whatever we decide, our role in the groups we are a part of is valued. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1489: I'm On It!

Stuff needs to be dealt with and we know exactly how to do it.  We know the job, we have the skills and we own the necessary tools. So let's not get entangled in meetings and deliberations on how this task is going to be approached. If everybody just leaves it to us, it will get done. So let's not be shy and just say to people; don't worry, I will handle this. Now most of us in Europe are back from holiday trips, including yours truly, this cast is very to the point. Let's get on with it!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1488: What Doesn't Serve Us...

So many things in life that we think we need or want, are actually holding us back from reaching our full potential. The Crone has come to our aid today. She let us know that it is time to let go. We should no longer hold on to what belongs in the past but gently let it slip away and focus on the future. What doesn't serve us needs to go to make room for better things. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1487: Learn from your History

We are constantly re-inventing ourselves while keeping our gaze firmly fixed upon the future. In this strive for rejuvenation and growth we have a tendency to brush aside all experience and knowledge that our ancestors have to offer. But if we forget the lessons learned in our past, we might repeat the mistakes of the past as well. So let's heed our history, both our own personal history as well as human history as a whole. It has brought us where we are today!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1486: Paying it Forward

Something comes into our hands without us expecting is. We get a present or we simply find something of which we cannot track down the owner. In that case it is probably meant for us to have. So let us enjoy the little gifts that life sometimes bestows on us. And maybe, tomorrow, we will leave something behind for somebody else to find and to enjoy, thus paying those little joys of life forward. 

Don't just read the future, help create it!

Hella Raven 

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1485: Self-love

The cast of today is about knowing our worth. This constellation is about having enough experience in life to feel confident that one can handle most situations adequately. From this confidence comes self-love as well since the Wise Man experiences himself as skillful, reliable and never without resources. He is comfortable in his skin and comfortable in his life and in that way inspires us to learn to know and love ourselves as well.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1484: Enjoy the Simple Things

We need the Sun to warm us and make our crops grow. Which hemisphere we live in doesn't matter: either the Sun is a radiant presence in our lives in height of summer or the Sun is greeting us briefly in a season of coldness, either way we welcome it's life-giving warmth. Let us use today to celebrate the simple pleasures in life; the sun on our face, the song of a bird, a glass of clean water. Don't over-complicate life, just try to enjoy it today!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1483: Weeding and Pruning

The Sword cuts away what isn't needed anymore, uncovering that what matters. It's like weeding: take away what is not wanted and give room to what is wanted. We need to decide on something. No more contemplating or weighing pros and cons: it is time to come to an conclusion. And remember: not taking action is also a choice, but one in which we allowed our agency to dissipate, leaving us no other option than to follow somebody else's decision. We might as well take matters in our own hands, right? The Ally is on the table to empower our sword, let's do this!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1482: Let Help In

Somebody is always trying to help others but when it comes to them needing a little help themselves, they find it really difficult to ask for it. And if they do ask somebody to help them, they  have a tendency to either still do most of the work themselves or they try to micromanage those who come to their aid. That is the challenge of the Lady who finds it difficult to let go of her control over the situation. So, a moment of honesty; is this us? Or is it somebody we actually try to help but isn't really letting us? In either case we need patience and gentleness towards this person. There is no shame in accepting help, and allowing somebody to help out can be an empowering experience for both parties!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1481: Commit To What You Started

It is so tempting to start a new project to pour all our enthusiasm and energy into it...but is this the right time? If we are honest with ourselves, did we properly finish the last project we started? Do we really have the time to throw ourselves into a new endeavor? When we start something we need to see it through as well, otherwise we leave a trail of orphaned projects behind where-ever we go and that benefits nobody. So let's take responsibility for the things we have committed ourselves to before taking on any new projects.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1480: Look For the Patterns

In every situation there are two distinct positions we can occupy: either we look at it up close, maybe even from the inside, or we take a step back and observe the issue from a distance. The cast of today urges us to do just that: to detach ourselves from the situation we are in to gain a better perspective. So let us find some high ground and find new input from up there. What patterns are emerging? How does what we go through fit in a larger framework? What can we do to better the circumstances?

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1479: Change What Needs Changing!

We want change and we want it now.  What we have does no longer suit us. Whether we are talking about our job, our house or even our relationship, we do not see a future in it anymore. Like all things worthwhile, this is going to take courage and effort. We know what the Raven Coins are referring to, right? So let us gather our strength and start changing what needs to be changed. A brighter future lies ahead!

Don't just read the future: help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1478: Self-righteousness

Ideally people learn the finer nuances of what is right and what is wrong in the course of their lives; they are growing in wisdom while they are growing in years. Alas, not everyone who takes it upon themselves to pass judgement on others, is actually wise enough to do so. Confidence without wisdom leads to arrogance! Today somebody is riding in on their high horse, trying to dominate the situation. Let us not be overwhelmed by this person, but also, let's make sure it is not ourselves making this mistake. Self-righteousness is an ugly trait. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1477: Celebrate the Present

Preparing ourselves for the future by making plans and setting aside some money to fulfill them is in itself a virtuous thing. To a certain extent it ensures our safety and stability. However, whenever the opponent - also known as the challenger - is on the table, we know that the Oracle is warning us not to take things into the extreme. In this case we are alerted to the fact that we run the risk of forgetting our present by looking too hard at the future. Life is that which is happening today while we are preparing for tomorrow, so don't miss it!

Don't just read the future; help create it.

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1476: Make Yourself Comfortable

The oak, symbol of strength and longevity, is flanked by Nadir and the Opponent. This indicate some physical discomfort. We might feel a bit fragile, lacking our normal resilience. If possible, let's stay home and be gentle with ourselves. If we have to go out, let's take extra care to wear clothing that makes us feel comfortable and safe. We need some extra protection today. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1475: You Are One of a Kind!

Nobody is exactly like me, and nobody is exactly like you. Let that sink in; you are absolutely unique, even if you belong to a set of 'identical twins', than still you're not really identical. 
If we are not sure what our unique talents are, today is a good day to think about that. What is it that makes us uniquely us?  We don't have to develop a trait or a skill to be unique; it is already manifested, we only need to find it and learn how to treasure it. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1474: Almost Weekend!

The Cave coins is about taking time for ourselves, about healing through rest and introspection. In the dark solitude of the cave we can recuperate. With the opponent on the table however, it seems that we are not paying enough attention to this part of life. We need to slow down a bit a make sure that we take enough time to rest. Did we by any chance had a busy souple of days and didn't we take time off? Make sure to balance productive time and time to recuperate!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1473: Accept a Gift

Something comes into our hands without us expecting is. We got a present or we simply found something of which we cannot track the owner. In that case it was probably meant for us to have. So let us enjoy the little gifts that life sometimes bestows on us and accept them in gratitude.

Don't just read the future, help create it!

Hella Raven 

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1472: Lessons Through Living

'Wisdom comes with age' as the saying goes. This is of course only true in part; the wisdom acquired in a long life doesn't lie in the fact that someone managed not to die, it lies in the fact that they went through all kinds of experiences and learned from them. That is what the Wise Man is here to tell us today; go out and allow the world to teach you something, anything! Honor the lessons tough by life itself in yourself as well as in others. Not all knowledge comes from books!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1471: Battle the Chaos

The people we turn to in our need of protection are failing, or at least, we feel that they're failing. We want structure, fair boundaries and safety but what we get is arbitrariness and chaos. If nobody else is protecting us, we have only ourselves to rely on and that is a lonely place to be in. However, knowing that this is the issue at hand makes it easier to deal with. So let's find a place or a friendship in which safety is given and received, and nourish that.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1470: Don't Give Up!

Do not give up on your current project! It is so tempting to start something new to pour all our enthusiasm and energy into it...but is this the right time? If we are honest with ourselves, did we properly finish the last project we started? Do we really have the time to throw ourselves into a new endeavor? When we start something we need to see it through as well, otherwise we leave a trail of orphaned projects behind where-ever we go and that benefits nobody. So let's take responsibility for the things we have committed ourselves to before taking on any new projects.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1469: Close the Gap

Sometimes it is a good idea to take a step back in order to create some distance between ourselves and our subject, but not today! This cast clearly states that we have to come down our mountain, to roll up our sleeves and put our feet in the mud. For a firm grasp on the situation we need to fully immerse ourselves in it. Whatever we need to accomplish, it doesn't help if we do not truly engage ourselves in it. Close the gap!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1468: Find Creative Joy

"If only I had the talent", or, "I will never be as good as..." We are our own worst critics, we don't dare to take up painting, or to sing or to dance and constantly worrying if the result is aesthetically pleasing to others. If only we could be playful and creative like a child every now and again, enjoying ourselves without holding back! It is important to create moments in our lives in which we can express ourselves, unencumbered, without boundaries, as free as a the Gods intended us to be. Let's find s moment of creative joy today and let making moments like that into a hobby! 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1467: Good Health

Whatever the base line is of our health is, today is potentially one of our better days, so let us enjoy it! We take care of our own well-being as well as that of those we love, and we do so with pleasure. Even if we are challenged in the area our health, our body works hard to get us through life the best it can. We sometimes forget this, but really, our body is worth being treated as an ally! 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1466: Value Your Sleep

In our ambition driven society we tend to value waking hours over the hours we spend sleeping. At the same time anybody who has ever involuntarily spend a night lying awake in bed knows the value of a good and undisturbed sleep. We know that sleeping disorders lead to all kinds of problems, both to our physical as well as to our mental health. Therefore the message of today's cast is of vital importance; take time to sleep! Sleep long, sleep well, sleep unencumbered. No matter what we encounter in life, sleep is our best ally to help us face it. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1465: Pay Attention to Details

On our hilltop we have an overview. We see the grand picture and imagine that we know all there is to know. However, the smaller, sometimes intimate details of a given situation are lost to us. We see the forest, but not the trees. So let's not get arrogant in our delusion of all-knowing, let us come down  the hilltop and its ivory tower, and see what things are actually about when we see them up close. Only than we can truly get to know things.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1464: What Are the Odds?

What are the odds? Today's Daily Cast is exactly the same as that from yesterday. That means we have got to delf deeper into the meaning of this constellation. Coming to terms with the end of something and finding joy in new opportunities is but one aspect of this combination. Another is the facts that Death, or the Grim Reaper as I like to call him, can come to us as an ally. He is the friend that ends our suffering or the suffering of a loved one. Let that be of some consolation for all who are struggling with the finality of life: we all die and for some of us that is a blessing. Don't fear the Grim Reaper for the wrong reasons; he just might be the friend that we have been looking for. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1463: Good Timing

Most of us are familiar with the idea that it is sometimes necessary to shed old to make way for the new. Whatever it is, it has to come to an end and, if we are honest about it, that is not altogether a bad thing.  Sometimes things can drag out too long. In the ending of it there is the seed of a new beginning. Today is the perfect time to put somethings to rest. Let us mourn for that what we have  lost and than rejoice in that what is yet to come.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1462: Enjoy the Journey

The Wise Man of today's Daily Cast is the personification of the old Greek wisdom 'know thyself'. If we care to get to know our deepest motivations; as we strive to bathe in our inner love and if we dare to confront our inner demons, only than we can hope to gain true wisdom. The Wise Man is here to guide us on that path. Let us take this path and enjoy the journey. After all, not only will this path stay with us for the rest or our life; it actually is our life!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1461: Win-win

No longer bound by the cyclic demands of her body, the wise woman enjoys her freedom and independence. She sets her own rules and makes her own destiny.  Like her we can develop our own point of view once we break free from old patterns or old alliances. This particular set of coins does often appear in a cast when the querant  has recently divorced and is in the process of finding his/her own values in life. By it's positive connotations this cast strengthens the resolve of the parties involved to each follow their own path. That is the beauty of truly setting each-other free; everybody wins.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1460: Clean House

Not all that is old is worth keeping! That goes for ideas but -in this particular cast- even more so for material stuff. If we keep stacking new things on top of the things we already have, we will end up with a pile of items that are utterly useless in their overwhelming quantity. Let's review what we have got so far, only keep what is helping us further and refrain from accumulating more stuff. It is time for a good cleaning. Cobwebs Adieu, empty spaces welcome!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1459: Dare to Manifest!

Sometimes we are worrying about the future. Wil certain things come to pass? Will we be able to avoid mishap? Let's not worry but instead let us imagine how we want our future to be and boldly manifest it. So with a twist on my normal greeting:

Let's not fret over the future, let's create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1458: Feel The Magic

The world is a wonderful place, full of possibilities. Its opportunities are limited only by the limits of our imagination. The fairy is here to encourage us to open our eyes and our hearts to new ideas.  We owe it to the inquisitive nature of our spirit to let it roam free from time to time. That we may become filled with wonder and awe, and that we will forever feel the magic in our world.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1457: Beltane

The Daily Cast of today teaches us to give equal attention to the sacred feminine by drawing our attention to the Goddess. In Neo-pagan circles it is widely understood that the forces that power our world are not exclusively male, nor female and working with both God(s) and Goddess(es) honors all possible balances between those two forces. To get this specific cast during the Beltane time is a good omen again! (see previous cast)

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1456: Good Omens for Good Times.

All the hopes we have for the near future may very well come to pass, provided that we make the right preparations. Every task we want to fulfill and every goal we want to achieve are within our reach. It doesn't have to be a huge or life-changing event: myself for example, I am preparing for a Beltane ritual with good company and good food. Be it spiritual or mundane, let us prepare for the good times ahead! 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1455 - You Are Good Enough!

Todays Daily Cast seems to complement the one of yesterday. With 'knowing our worth' (yesterdays cast) we are reminded today that we are good enough as we are. Usually we are our own worst critics, we don't dare to take up painting, or to sing or to dance since we are constantly worrying that our result is in those fields will not be aesthetically pleasing to others. If only we could be playful and creative like a child every now and again, enjoying ourselves without holding back! It is important to create moments in our lives in which we can express ourselves, unencumbered, without boundaries, as free as a the Gods intended us to be. We don't have to be perfect in order to enjoy life, we only have to make enjoyment the goal!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1454: We Know Our Worth

The Wise Man, with his long experience in life, does not doubt his identity or his worth. He knows what he is and he is content with it. Knowing what we are and accepting our flaws together with our strength gives us a great freedom of mind. No longer do we have to prove ourselves to anybody. A multitude of experiences have contributed to who we are today, but it is within our power to decide which of these experiences we allow to define us.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1453: Treasure Your Uniqueness

Nobody is exactly like me, and nobody is exactly like you. Let that sink in; you are absolutely unique, even if you belong to a set of 'identical twins', than still you're not really identical. 
If we are not sure what our unique talents are, today is a good day to think about that. What is it that makes us uniquely us?  We don't have to develop a trait or a skill to be unique; it is already manifested, we only need to find it and learn how to treasure it. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1452: Stand Your Ground!

The Wise Woman together with the Nadir coin and the Opponent spells trouble; somebody thinks they know everything better than we do. Judgmental, competitive and maybe even a little bit vindictive, this person is trying to make us look bad and steal our thunder. Don't let them get away with it! We are wise in our own ways and we will stand our ground. With dignity because we do not do brawls. We're above it!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1451: Change Your Perspective

In every situation there are two distinct positions we can occupy: either we look at it up close, maybe even from the inside, or we take a step back (or two!) and observe the issue from a distance. The cast of today urges us to do just that: to detach ourselves from the situation we are in to gain a better perspective. So let us find some high ground and find new input from up there. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1450: Enjoy Today!

Preparing ourselves for the future by making plans and setting aside some money to fulfill them is in itself a virtuous thing. To a certain extent it ensures our safety and stability. However, whenever the opponent - also known as the challenger - is on the table, we know that the Oracle is warning us not to take things into the extreme. In this case we are alerted to the fact that we run the risk of forgetting our present by looking too hard at the future. Life is that which is happening today while we are preparing for tomorrow, so don't miss it! So with a twist to my normal greeting;

Don't just create a future; enjoy the present!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1449: Keep Up Your Health

We need to take some extra precautions in order to stay healthy. Let's take our vitamins, do our exercises and make sure we get enough sleep. By taking good care of our overall health we are better prepared for the battle against most common illnesses. People suffering from chronic illnesses need to be aware not to ease up on their routines. Don't stop taking your medication because you feel better; understand that you probably feel better because you're taking your medication!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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There is a time to start a project and take aboard new responsibilities and there is a time when we are done with them. Although it can be a bit difficult to put an end to something, especially when we have put our time an energy in it, sometimes it just is the right thing to do. So let us not cling to stuff of which we know that we should let it go. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven