Welcome to the Daily Cast

The daily cast is a three coin cast. Every day (well, almost every day) I randomly pick one oracle coin from the pouch. Than I take the two structural coins (Axis Mundi, the green one and the Sirius coin, the red one) and cast the coins. My interpretation of the result is presented here. 

Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1214: They Can!

We invested our time, our money and our best efforts in our  'children', be they literally and figuratively, and now it's time to let them go. Whether we are talking about actual children or whether we are referring to our projects, our creations or our artwork doesn't change the outcome; we did what we could and now it is time for us to let them go. We just have to be confident that we gave them all they needed to be able to stand on their own two feet.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1213: Mental Flexibility.

Part of a healthy lifestyle is adopting a healthy attitude. Not only to physical things, like taking enough time to exercise and preparing well-balanced meals, but maybe even more important, toward your mental health as well. When we give as much attention to habits that better our mental health as we do to our physical health, we become more flexible. It will make us better equipped to deal with the day-to-day challenges of life. And remember: this is a journey, not a competition. Let's be kind to ourselves in the process. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1212: Know and Love Thy-selves

The cast of today is about knowing our worth. This constellation is about having enough experience in life to feel confident that one can handle most situations adequately. From this confidence comes self-love as well since the Wise Man experiences himself as skillful, reliable and never without resources. He is comfortable in his skin and comfortable in his life and in that way inspires us to learn to know and love ourselves as well.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1211: Time for Friends and Family

We cast the Honeybee together with Zenith and the Ally: a sure sign that the family and friend groups we belong to are on our mind. Negotiating the needs and wants of all our different social groups can be a bit of a challenge during the holiday season, but with an open hart and a little effort we can accomplish a lot. Let's keep our friends close and our family closer -to paraphrase an old saying- and we will have a great time. And remember: to keep people close we do not actually have to be physically close to them; we can keep our loved ones in our heart if distance is an issue! 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1210: We Are Great And Small

The great benefit of growing older is a growing understanding of our self. We know what we're worth, we know what we can do and what we cannot do, and we are coming to terms with the discrepancy between our ambitions and our abilities. We come to the realization that in the grand scheme of things, we are simultaneously the most important life-form around on a personal level and a completely inconsequential bleep on the screen of world events. And we are wise enough to find peace in that realization. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1209: Ask For Help If You're Lost

Sometimes we just don't know what to do. It happens to all of us and the Lady is here to remind us of the fact that there is no shame in asking for help! So, if we feel lost today, if we lack inspiration or we do not know what to think about a certain issue, let's not hesitate to ask somebody for input. Two heads know more than one!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1208: Really, Let it Go!

The cast of today reminds us of cast number 1201, about a week ago. The Crone is here again to aid us with ending what needs to be ended. But whereas the previous cast was about the physical act of walking away, today we deal with the mental remnants of it; a thought-pattern, an attachment or a feeling of grief about that what we walked away from.  So let"s clean house thoroughly by letting these feelings go as well. Over and done with!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1207 - Many Hands Make Light Work

We are tempted to figure out stuff on our own this day, attempting to fix things ourselves. But really, we don't have to! Not only is the workload a lot less when we share it with somebody, it's more fun as well! So let us seek out company today and offer to share the chores. They get help, we get help and all of us are the better for it. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven 

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1206: Family and Friends

Today is about community. Whatever challenges we face or whatever job we need to get done, today is a good day to involve our neighbors, our friends or our family. We might need their help, or they might need ours. Many hands make for light work and by striking a healthy balance between our own needs as an individual and the needs of the collective we are a part of, life becomes easier for everybody. So let's enjoy our social circles today and be an active part of them. And if there aren't any chores to be done, let's just seek out each-others company for fun and celebration!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1205: In Our Way

Somebody is trying to get in our way. This person is confident that he (m/f/nb) knows all there is to know about the job at hand and that he will take care of business, meanwhile brushing us aside in the process. In fact this person is not half as skillful as he like to think and is only making things worse. We need to stand up to this kind of pretend-experience and expose it for what it really is: hot air. Only than we can continue with our work in a productive way.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1204: Stay Calm and Wait.

Our ability to rule ourselves is infringed upon. Somehow we find ourselves in circumstances that takes our agency away. We are told to keep quite and go along with what is happening. Even if we feel the need to fight the forces that are stocking against us, this is not the best day to do so. Better to keep our dignity and go with the flow. Our time will come again.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1203: Get Rest Regularly!

This cast makes us aware that we don't get enough rest, we might even suffer from lack of sleep during the week and than, exhausted, we collapse during the weekend. We have to find a healthy balance in our sleep habits. Find a pattern in which we sleep enough, but in which we do not overdo it.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1202: Time to Decide

The time to gather as much information as we can and to roam the internet indefinitely in our search for more details is over. We know what we need to know, now it is up to us to actually do what we need to do. Let's be brave and make the decision; it is a good day for it. Remember that not choosing is also a choice, but in that scenario we allow are agency to seep away, condemning ourselves to whatever random outcome comes of it. So let's do this, the choice is ours to make.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1201: Let It Go!

We know we have to end a situation but we are hesitant to do so. We fear the loss and do not know what will come in it's place. However, this cast is not about how we feel about loss, this cast is about how we are going to walk away, how we are going to enter the process of ending this situation. It can feel difficult and stressful to let something go. We need to pull ourselves together and do what is necessary: walk away.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1200: Need for Structure

The people we turn to in our need of protection are failing, or at least, we feel that they're failing. We want structure, fair boundaries and safety but what we get is arbitrariness and chaos. If nobody else is protecting us, we have only ourselves to rely on and that is a lonely place to be in. However, knowing that this is the issue at hand makes it easier to deal with. So let's find a place or a friendship in which safety is given and received, and nourish that.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1199: Honor the Goddess

We are entering the holiday season in which there is a lot of focus on the masculine qualities of the Divine. The Daily Cast of today teaches us to balance that out, to give equal attention to the sacred feminine. In Neo-pagan circles it is widely understood that the forces that power our world are not exclusively male, nor female and working with both God(s) and Goddess(es) honors all possible balances between those two forces. So let us bring some balance in this time of the year by acknowledging the feminine powers of the divine. For those readers finding the concept of the Goddess difficult to incorporate in their spiritual practice; turn to sacred women in your faith, like the virgin Mary or Fatima to name just a few. The feminine principle can be found in all believe systems and demands to be honored

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1198: Empower Yourself

Sometimes our ideas are dismissed by our surroundings as being mere fantasies and fairy tales. Sometimes we do a pretty good job dis-empowering us ourselves... Today we run the risk of doing just that, so let's make a resolve right here, right now; now matter how unusual the idea, we are going to take ourselves serious and take the time to look at our own creative processes without dismissing them right away. That in itself is a wholesome exercise for some of us!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1197: Who Benefits From This Story?

Somebody doesn't seem to tell the truth. If we are sure that it is not us who are doing the deceiving (for in that case; let's stop it and turn to honesty), we need to be on our guard for deceivers. Whenever we hear a story we do not completely believe, we need to ask ourselves who stands to benefit by the narrative that is presented. It might reveal the source and motivation of the story so we can make an informed decision if we believe it or not. And, the old saying 'if it seems to good to be true it usually is' can guide us as well!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1196: The Threshold

We often cast the Father coin in these Daily Casts, so I want to elaborate on the core meaning of the Father figure in the Raven Coins Oracle in order to explain his frequent present. The Father is a protector, existing on the threshold between worlds; he stands guard between the personal world and the professional world, between family and society, between inner and outer worlds. He is the warrior-soldier in mundane life and the warrior-shaman in our spiritual life. I believe that the war raging in Europe is one of the reasons the Father figure comes to our casts so often. He questions our motives and aids us in our struggle to keep ourselves safe and sane.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1195: Open to Opportunities

The world is a wonderful place, full of possibilities. All its opportunities are limited only by the limits of our imagination. The fairy is here to encourage us to open our eyes and our hearts to new ideas.  We owe it to the inquisitive nature of our spirit to let it roam free from time to time. That we may become filled with wonder and awe!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1194: Take Time to Recuperate

The Cave coins is about taking time for ourselves and about healing ourselves through rest and introspection. With the opponent on the table however, it seems that we are not paying enough attention to this part of life. We need to slow down a bit a make sure that we take enough time to rest. Did we by any chance had a busy weekend in stead of taking time off? Did we have a few drinks too many? Make sure to balance out social time and time to recuperate!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1193: Enjoy Learning New Things

No matter how much we know about something, there are always no things to discover. Keep an open mind to all opinions, in order to keep gathering more information, and to let that input simmer for a while before coming to a conclusion. Let's enjoy the process of gathering, reading and sifting through information and let's leave the decision what to do with it to another day. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1192: Let it Go!

So many things in life that we think we need or want, are actually holding us back from reaching our full potential. The Crone has come to our aid today. She let us know that it is time to let go. We should no longer hold on to what belongs in the past but gently let it slip away and focus on the future. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1191: Just Walk Away!

We know we have to end a situation but we are hesitant to do so. We fear the loss and do not know what will come in it's place. However, this cast is not about how we feel about loss, this cast is about how we are going to walk away, how we are going to enter the process of ending this situation. It is easier to start something then to end it! It can feel difficult and stressful to let something go. We need to pull ourselves together and do what is necessary. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1190: Simple Joys

We need the Sun to warm us and make our crops grow. Which hemisphere we live in doesn't matter: either the Sun is returning to our lives in anticipation of summer or the Sun is greeting us briefly in a season of coldness, either way we welcome it's life-giving warmth. So let us use today to celebrate the simple pleasures in life; the sun on our face, the song of a bird, a glass of clean water. Don't over-complicate life, just try to enjoy it today!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1189: What Defines Us?

The Wise Man, with his long experience in life, does not doubt his identity or his worth. He knows what he is and he is content with it. Knowing what we are and accepting our flaws together with our strength gives us a great freedom of mind. No longer do we have to prove ourselves to anybody. A multitude of experiences have contributed to who we are today, but it is within our power to decide which of these experiences we allow to define us.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1188: Our Choice!

The time to gather as much information as we can and to roam the internet indefinitely in our search for more details is over. We know what we need to know, now it is up to us to actually do what we need to do. Let's be brave and make the decision; it is a good day for it. Remember that not choosing is also a choice, but in that scenario we allow are agency to seep away, condemning ourselves to whatever random outcome comes of it. So let's do this, the choice is ours to make.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1187: Appreciate Your Health!

Our health is an important asset that we, far too often, take for granted. Only when we get older or when we become ill we realize how vital it to be healthy. A healthy body enables us to participate in life to the fullest, to enjoy our friendships, to build confidence, to sustain our mental health as well. As soon as our health declines all other aspects in life become more difficult. So today, let us appreciate what we have, even if are not as healthy as we would like to be. Lets cherish and appreciate what health we have, and strive to better it if possible!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1186: Sleep is our Friend

In our ambition driven society we tend to value waking hours over the hours we spend sleeping. At the same time anybody who has ever involuntarily spend a night lying awake in bed knows the value of a good and undisturbed sleep. We know that sleeping disorders lead to all kinds of problems, both to our physical as well as to our mental health. Therefore the message of today's cast is of vital importance; take time to sleep! Sleep long, sleep well, sleep unencumbered. No matter what we encounter in life, sleep is our best friend to face it. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1185: Slow Down

There is so much fun in preparing for a future event, that we might forget to firmly anchor that event in the now. When we go too fast we might end with failure. The message of today is; we've got to learn how to make use of pauses. To take some time, to breathe and regroup before we start running again. So let's slow down a little; tomorrow just has to wait until we are properly done with today.

Don't just read the future: help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1184: All Work and No Play...

We all have to divide our attention between our private time in our personal space at one hand, and our work time in a professional space at the other. By the looks of it we are doing a pretty good job! And if by any chance we feel that we have lost the balance between the personal and the professional, than today is a perfect day to start mending that. Rome wasn't build in one day, we don't have to finish our work in one day either. The time we spend resting or playing is never a waste: it is of great value to our health an well-being and thus it benefits all aspects of our life. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1183: Longing for Solitude

Ahhh, the joy of being on our own, contemplating our own thoughts and musing over our own dreams and wishes. Like a cat sitting on a high place minding his own business we sometimes long for some solitude, needing some time to spend in our own company. Today our daily cast reminds us of these facts. So even if we have a busy day ahead, let us try to squeeze in some time for ourselves!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1182: Stop Hiding

Sometimes we just want to run away and hide. The world seems to be too difficult, too overwhelming and we don't want to handle the stuff that is thrown our way. That sentiment is understandable but not very productive. So let's pull ourselves together, straighten our back and just deal with it. After all, it has to be done sooner or later!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1181: Don't Miss It!

Preparing ourselves for the future by making plans and setting aside some money to fulfill them is in itself a virtuous thing. To a certain extent it ensures our safety and stability. However, whenever the opponent - also known as the challenger - is on the table, we know that the Oracle is warning us not to take things into the extreme. In this case we are alerted to the fact that we run the risk of forgetting our present by looking too hard at the future. Life is that which is happening today while we are preparing for tomorrow, so don't miss it! So with a twist to my normal greeting;

Don't just create a future; enjoy the present!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1180: Gratitude

We have all we need to thrive today. The mere fact that I can type this message and you can read it means that we both have the time to concern ourselves with oracles and the pursuing a meaningful existence, and that we both have access to a device to do this with. We are lucky in many little ways. So let us appreciate that today, and be grateful for all good things life offers us on a daily basis. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1179: Be Realistic

Gisteren vertelde onze dagelijkse cast ons dat het een goed moment is om iets nieuws te plannen. Vandaag komt dit bericht echter met een extra waarschuwing: laten we onze plannen realistisch houden! We hoeven de wereld vandaag niet te veranderen. Als we te ambitieus zijn in het project dat we willen starten, lopen we het risico dat we het helemaal nooit op gang krijgen.


Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1178: Where Are We Going?

The Elf is eager to start something new. Enthusiastically he explores possibilities, gathers information and buys the necessary equipment. This new endeavor can be anything ranging from work-related project to moving to an new house to going on a trip. Half the fun lies in the preparations, so let's enjoy this time of getting ready!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1177: Think It Through

We might think we've got a solution for a certain problem, or  we might be convinced that our ideas on the subject are the only right way of looking at it, but we have to consider the possibility that we are wrong. Sometimes logic alone is not enough to solve the case. So let us take time to think things through before we decide on a course of action.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1176: Lessons From The Past

There are some good, solid lessons we can take from our ancestors. Books and museums are filled with them. We do not have to invent the wheel all over again! Let us take some time to consult the knowledge and experience that is already gathered  by our predecessors before we start working on a problem. In the most literal interpretation of this cast we might even want to just ask our parents or grandparents about their view on the matter!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1175: Keep Your Wits About You!

Stress can take it's toll if we're not careful. There is a lot for us to worry about in the world, both on a global scale as well as on a personal level. We  might feel overwhelmed by all of it, but let us not give up. It's is very important to keep our wits about us so we can still respond to an immediate crisis whenever one presents itself to us. Do not lose hope and stay alert; times will change!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1174: Lead the Way

Behold the Lord, sitting on the throne, practical, benign, willing and able to lead us in our journeys. The lord in this cast can be our own inner leader, back in control and eager to take the lead, but he can also be an actual person (m/f/nb) in our lives. Let us try to identify which person it is that represents this role in our life today. Rest assured that, at least for now, this person is worth following.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1173: Over and Done With

The Reaper always indicates an end and in conjunction with the Ally it is the end itself that is beneficial to us. Finally we completed the task we have been dreading. Or maybe we are overcoming an illness that has been plaguing us. Whatever it is, we are over and done with it; time to free up our energy for new things!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1173: Know Thyself

The Wise Man of today's Daily Cast is the personification of the old Greek wisdom 'know thyself'. If we care to get to know our deepest motivations; as we strive bathe in our inner love and if we dare to confront our inner demons, only than we can hope to gain true wisdom. The Wise Man is here to guide us on that path. Let us take this path and enjoy the journey. After all, not only will this path stay with us for the rest or our life; it actually is our life!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1172: See Things Through

It is so tempting to start a new project to pour all our enthusiasm and energy into...but is this the right time? If we are honest with ourselves, did we properly finish the last project we started? Do we really have the time to throw ourselves into in new endeavor? When we start something we need to see it through as well, otherwise we leave a trail of orphaned projects behind where ever we go and that benefits nobody. So let's take responsibility for the things we have committed ourselves to before taking on any new projects.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1171: Feeling Better

Whatever we decided to do last couple of days in order to better our health, it has paid off. No matter what the base line of our health is, today is potentially one of our better days, so let us enjoy it! We take care of our own well-being as well as that of those we love, and we do so with pleasure. Even if we are challenged in the area our health, our body works hard to get us through life the best it can. We sometimes forget this, but really, our body is worth being treated as an ally! In the previous cast we we were warned, today we are rewarded.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1170: Work on your Health!

We need to take some extra precautions in order to stay healthy. Let's take our vitamins, do our exercises and make sure we get enough sleep. By taking good care of our overall health we are better prepared for the battle against most common illnesses. People suffering from chronic illnesses need to be aware not to ease up on their routines. Don't stop taking your medication because you feel better; understand that you probably feel better because you're taking your medication!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1169: Dive In!

Sometimes it is a good idea to take a step back in order to create some distance between ourselves and our subject, but not today! This cast clearly states that we have to come down our mountain, to roll up our sleeves and put our feet in the mud. For a firm grasp on the situation we need to fully immerse ourselves in it. Whatever we need to accomplish, it doesn't help if we do not truly engage ourselves in it. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1168: Are You Tired?

Somebody didn't sleep enough lately and that might very well be us. So let's not be overly enthusiastic this day and let us try to work a little rest into our schedule. Just a nap in the afternoon might be enough to get us through the day. Followed by an early night, and tomorrow we'll be as good as new. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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There is a time to start a project and take aboard new responsibilities and there is a time when we are done with them. Although it can be a bit difficult to put an end to something, especially when we have put our time an energy in it, sometimes it just is the right thing to do. So let us not cling to stuff of which we know that we should let it go. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven